Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Plagiarism is when a person copies the writing of another person and submits it as their own. Plagiarism is the act of presenting the words, ideas, images, sounds, or the creative expression of others as your own.Plagiarism is presenting someone Else thoughts or work as your own. It can take many forms, from not having appropriate academic referencing to deliberate cheating.Plagiarism Example-A student uses Google to find an excellent article. Next, the student copies the article and gives it to their teacher. The teacher believes the student wrote this paper.


Whats Forms Can Plagiarism Take?

  • Word-for-word copying of another work without properly acknowledging the source of the information
  • Paraphrasing the work of another without acknowledgement
  • Failing to properly cite your source, even if that failure is inadvertent
  • Attributing information to a source from which it did not come
  • Submitting material created by another under your name
  • Submitting material created by yourself and others but claiming the work entirely as your own

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