System Analysis and Design 9th EditionChapter 2 Review Questions
1.What is a business case? How does a business case affect an IT project?Business case refers to the reasons, or justification, for a proposal. A business caseshould be comprehensive, yet easy to understand. It should describe the project clearly,provide the justification to proceed, and estimate the project's financial impact. Abusiness case should answer questions such as the following:Why are we doing this project?What is the project about?How does this solution address key business issues?2.What is a SWOT analysis and why is it important?Strategic planning starts with a management review called a SWOT analysis . Theletters stand for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A SWOT analysisusually starts with a broad overview. The first step is for top management to respond toquestions like these:What are our strengths, and how can we use them to achieve our business goals?What are our weaknesses, and how can we reduce or eliminate them?What are our opportunities, and how do we plan to take advantage of them?What are our threats, and how can we assess, manage, and respond to the possiblerisks?A SWOT analysis is a solid foundation for the strategic planning process, because itexamines a firm's technical, human, and financial resources. As the SWOT processcontinues, management reviews specific resources and business operations.3.What are five common reasons for systems projects?The starting point for most projects is called a systems request , which is a formal way ofasking for IT support. A systems request might propose enhancements for an existingsystem, the correction of problems, the replacement of an older system, or thedevelopment of an entirely new information system that is needed to support a
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